Sports and Cancer

Sports and Cancer
Any physical activity, no matter how small, has positive effects [Bildnachweis: David A Litman, shutterstock]

You are right at our department, if you suffer from cancer and/or the associated side effects of therapy. You would like to become active against the disease through physical activity?

Physical training reduces symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation, contributes to a higher cure rate and a lower risk of relapse. Exercise can and should begin with the first day of diagnosis - whether during hospitalization, during outpatient radiation or chemotherapy, in rehabilitation, or at home. Any physical activity, no matter how small, has positive effects.

Target group

  • Patients with a current or survived cancer disease
  • Patients during therapy such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy or other therapies

Aims of the examination

  • Reduction of symptoms and side effects of chemo- and radiotherapy by physical training
  • Higher healing and lower risk of relapse
  • Improvement of the quality of life
  • Determination and correct assessment of your physical capacity

We provide

Präventive Sportmedizin
und Sportkardiologie

Georg-Brauchle-Ring 56/58
D-80992 München
+49 (0)89-289 244 41

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